On February 3, 2019, the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus turned two years old. When we first began, there were some in the community who laughed and said we would be lucky to last two months.
Since our inception, I am proud to say that today there are 6 elected progressives on the Lower Shore, both within the Democratic Party and at the county level. We have also successfully helped get several pieces of legislation passed in the General Assembly and successfully moved some of our legislators to support certain bills like paid sick leave.
In my twenty years of life, it has been my proudest achievement to serve as chair of this great organization. It has helped shaped me as a person, introduced me to many great friends, and brought me closer to the community I have lived in and loved my whole life. I know that political organizing is a long and hard road filled with ups and downs and filled with major victories and crushing defeats. But the future of the Eastern Shore of Maryland rests in our hands, and I am more confident than ever that our future is bright and that we will continue to build a movement that protects our values and way of life and works to create better opportunities for generations of Shore residents long after we are gone.
To all our members and volunteers, I thank you for all your hard work and sacrifices to advance the progressive movement on the Shore. If you are not a member, yet agree with a lot of what we do or want to help better our region, I personally invite you to join us and become involved. Together we can build a better Eastern Shore for all.
LSPC has its second "birthday"
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